Wilde Cup Winner
1986 - F. J. Rogers
1945 N.A.A.F.I.
On Active Service Letter Form (used by British force members overseas)
to London struck with unrecorded double-circle FIELD POST OFFICE 365
cds with two thick side bars dated "8 DE / 45" (where F.P.O.366
was widely known). Upon Japanese surrendered at the end of August 1945.
a Commando Brigade disembarked at Kowloon on 12 September 1945 and had
its F.P.O.366 in operation from 16 September. Another military cancellator
F.P.O.365 had allocated to the Special Service Group 1 on 27 August
1943 and returned to the Home Post Centre in December 1946 but no previous
reports of its use in Hong Kong, and this is the first recorded example.