Philatelic Study Group:
Hong Kong Security Markings and Perfins
Nederlandsche Handelsmaatschappij?
Nederlansche Indische Handels Bank?
A New Perfin. from Dick Scheper 5th July
'Nederlandsche Handelsmaatschappij' ?
The attached scans shows a perfin 'sche H' in a
10 c. blue George
V stamp. Probably made by a Dutch firm, looking
at the part 'sche' which you
often find in Dutch words. The user could be the
Handelsmaatschappij' (a Dutch shipping company)
which was active in those
areas of Asia. Have you ever seen (parts of) this
12-Jan-2025 - Mr. Hans Hilte has suggested the perfin could also be from
Nederlansche Indische Handels Bank
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