Philatelic Study Group:
Hong Kong Security Markings and Perfins
N A /S C Perfin
Following are discussions on the N A / S C Perfin.
Email from Frank Drake 17th July
Dear Rodney,
Can you find out if there be any supporting reason/evidence/proof
Group III, type 47, NA /SC perfin, to be
identified as the Nestle Anglo-Swiss
Condensed Milk Ltd. I had lunch with Malcolm Hammersley
today and he is of
the strong view that perfins ending with the initials
"S C" would in most
cases be referring to "shipping company". I tend
to support his reasoning.
More so as the name Nestle Anglo-Swiss Condensed
Milk Ltd does give the
impression of being too "modern' or recent to fit
in with the perfin era of use.
Email from Rod Sell 17th July
Dear Philippe,
Can you answer Frank's question on the NA/SC perfin.
Email from Philippe Orsetti 17th July
Dear Peter,
Could you answer this question, I got this information
initialy from you.
Email from Peter Pugh 22nd July
Dear Philippe,
In answer to Frank Drake's query, some time
ago my friend the late Bill
Vuisting from Holland put forward the suggestion
that the perfin NA/SC was
Nestlé Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk
Ltd. At the time I had not seen any
copies of the said perfin and like Frank
was of the opinion that this could
not be so however since then I have come
across a couple of copies both are
date stamped late 1920's and I have researched
a little about the company.
The company was formed in 1905 by the merger
of Nestlé's original Swiss
company and the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk
company formed in 1866 by the
Americans Charles & George Page.
These two companies remained fierce
competitors marketing various milk products
until the merger in 1905. By
then Nestle had already opened factories
in the United States, Britain,
Germany and Spain and had introduced chocolate
into its range of milk
products. Condensed milk exports increased
rapidly as the company replaced
agents with local subsidiary companies.
Soon the company began
manufacturing in Australia which became its
second largest export market.
Warehouses were built at Singapore, Bombay
and in 1912 a branch was opened
at Hong Kong which became the headquarters
for the whole of the firms
business in South China.
As you can now see there is some logic to
the argument that this company
could probably be the correct one, as the
dates would correspond, especially
if it was known as Nestlé Anglo-Swiss
Chocolate !
With regard to Malcolm Hammersley's idea about
SC referring to shipping
companies when used on perfins as yet we
have no perfins listed that end SC
nor have I found any shipping company that
begins NA. The probability in
that case would be that it would be British
or American as shipping
companies of other nationalities would not
use SC as the abbreviation but
most of the British & American companies
are already well known.
Hope this is of use but obviously we are open to suggestions or verification by cover
Email from Peter Pugh 26th July
Further thoughts on Mr Hammersley's theory of SC
standing for Shipping Company I think the reason that we have no shipping
company's perfins listed is the fact that the main line shipping companies
all used other firms as agents. I have a complete list of the shipping
companies listed in the China Year Book 1924 and I don't think one of them
ends SC.
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