Philatelic Study Group:
Hong Kong Security Markings and Perfins
? & Meiss Marking
Following are discussions on the ? & Meiss Marking.
Email from Harmon Fine 16th July 2001
Here is a new one for the what is it. The letters say
"& WEISS" and in the
center can be seen "STAM" with nothing else apparent
after the "M" but room
in front of "STAM" for other letters.
Email from Philippe Orsetti 16th July 2001
The center word is SIAM, it is a Bangkok marking with
probably a Bangkok
cancel. It is an important, rare and unrecorded marking.
The complete name
must still be found.
Email from Rod Sell 16th July 2001
Is the name in the top ring Weiss or Meiss.
Email from Harmon Fine 16th July 2001
definitely MEISS
Email from Michel Houde 23rd February 2004
Hello Rod,
As you might know, I am very interested in Firm Chops on the issues used
at the British Consulate at Bangkok. I stumbled upon your webpage at:
and think that I might be able to help. Attached is a scan of a Bangkok issue
showing the Chop of the firm MOLLER & MEISNER / SIAM / BANGKOK. It is
the only era chop I have seen with the word SIAM in the centre of the oval.
FYI - they were a German firm, established in 1871 as general storekeepers,
auctioneers and manufacturers of aerated water. I also have their chop on
several other B-overprinted issues as well as on a Thailand stamp with a
postmark of 30 / 7/ 1900.
Hope that this is of some help.
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