This is the list of topics and
subtopics used in the index for Bulletins/Journals/Newsletters Nos. 1 to 395
Main Topics |
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Accountancy Markings | No Sub-Topics |
Adhesives QV | - General
- 1862 Issue
- 1862 Specimens
- 1863 12c with B62 in Blue
- 1863 24c Green Flaw
- 1863 30c Mauve Plate Flaw
- 1863 30c Vermilion
- 1863 5c on 30c Mauve
- 1863 6c
- 1863 8c Coloured Yellow
- 1863-70 Issue Plate Proofs Overprinted Cancelled
- 1865 96c Olive-Bistre
- 1876 16c on 18c
- 1876 16c on 18c Broken 1
- 1876 28c on 30c
- 1876 28c on 30c Broken 8
- 1876 28c on 30c Slopping Letters
- 1876 28c on 30c Varieties/Forgeries
- 1876 28c on 30c with Missing Stop
- 1877 16c on 18c Lilac
- 1879 5c on 18c Lilac Postcard Stamp
- 1880 10c on 16c Double Overprint
- 1880 10c on 16c Inverted Overprint
- 1880 10c on 24c
- 1880 5c on 8c Surcharge Varieties
- 1882 10c Green / Deep Blue-Green
- 1882 10c Purple/Red
- 1882 10c Purple/Red Selvedge Watermark
- 1882 2c Carmine Reveresed Watermark
- 1882 2c Rose Lake
- 1882 5c Reversed Watermark
- 1885 20c on 30c
- 1885 20c on 30c with S1 Cancel
- 1885 Provisional Issue
- 1891 20c on 30c
- 1891 7c on 10c
- 1891 $1 on 96c Purple/Red
- 1891 14c on 30c Mauve
- 1891 20c on 30c with Broken 0
- 1891 20c on 30c with Unusual Chinese Character
- 1891 Jubilee
- 1891 Jubilee - New Variety
- 1891 Provisional Issue
- 1891 Provisionals Forgeries
- 1891 Surcharges
- 1896 4c Slate-Grey
- 1897 $1 on $2 Postal Fiscal
- 1898 $1 on 96c Black
- 1898 10c Double Overprint
- 1898 10c on 30c
- 1898 10c Provisional Issue Double Overprint
- 1898 Provisional Issue
- 1900 10c Ultramarine Colour Variations
- 1900 2c Dull Green
- 1900 30c Brown
- 1900 Issues
- Cancelled Overprint
- CC Watermark Variety
- Colour Problems
- Die Proofs
- Embossed Watermark
- Essay of 50c on 48c
- Forgery $1 on 10c
- Inter-Panneau Pair on Cover
- Inverted and Reversed Watermarks
- Perforations
- Plates 1 and 2
- Postcard Stamps
- Proofs
- Provisional Issues
- SO & SD Overprints
- Specimen Overprints
- Watermarked/Un-watermarked Paper
- Wing Margins
Adhesives KEVII | - General
- 1903 $10 Slate and Orange/Blue
- 1903 $5 Purple and Blue-Green
- 1903 12c Green&Purple/Yellow Flaw in Hong Character
- 1903 12c Uncoloured Paper
- 1903 12c with Broken Character
- 1903 1c Purple and Brown
- 1903 2c Dull Green
- 1903 4c Purple-Red Plate Flaw
- 1903 4c Purple/Red
- 1903/1904 12c on White Paper
- 1904 $10 Inverted Watermark
- 1904 20c Watermark Inverted
- 1904 2c Colour Variety
- 1904 2c Dull Green
- 1905 $10 Slate and Orange/Blue
- 1905 $5 Purple and Blue-Green
- 1907 4c Carmine-Red
- Artists Sketches: KEVII & KGVI
- De La Rue's Stamp Paper - 1900 to 1911
- Forgeries
- Inverted and Reversed Watermarks
- Requisition Numbers
- Specimen and Ultramar Overprints
- Stamp Booklets
- Varieties
- Varieties - Head Plate Flaws
Adhesives KGV | - General
- 12c Overprinted 10 Cents Stamp Duty
- 1912 $10 Purple & Black/Red
- 1912 $5 Green+Red/White
- 1912 12c Purple/Yellow
- 1912 1c Black-Brown
- 1912 1c Brown
- 1912 25c Purple & Magenta
- 1912 4c Carmine Red
- 1912 4c Scarlet
- 1912 50c Black/Blue-Green
- 1912 50c Black/Blue-Green on Emerald Surface
- 1912 6c Yellow-Orange
- 1912 6c Yellow-Orange Variety
- 1921 12c Purple/Yellow
- 1921 1c Broken Crown
- 1921 20c Purple and Sage-Green
- 1921 25c Broken Flower Flaw
- 1921 25c Purple & Magenta
- 1921 2c Green
- 1921 4c Carmine Rose
- 1921 50c Black/Emerald Variety
- 1921 5c Violet
- 1921 8c Grey
- 1931 3c Grey - Earliest Date
- 1931 5c Violet - Earliest Date
- 1935 Silver Jubilee
- 1935 Silver Jubilee Flaw
- Bisected Stamps
- Damaged Crown Flaws
- Gum
- Interpanneau Gutter 'Pillars'
- Key Plate Flaw : Webb 10 and 11
- Key Plates
- Late Usage
- On Early Covers
- Printings
- Proofs and Die Proofs
- Requisition F
- Sheet Serial Numbers Missing
- Specimen and Colonias Overprints
- Stamp Booklets
- Varieties
Adhesives KGV China Overprints | - General
- 1917 12c Purple/Yellow
- 1917 1c Brown
- 1917 1c Brown Requisition D
- 1917 1c Brown Sideways Wmk
- 1917 4c Carmine-Red
- 1917 50c Black/Blue-Green Emerald Surface
- 1917 6c Orange
- 1917 China Overprint Mixed Use Franking
- 1921 50c Black/Emerald
- 1922 1c Brown
- 1922 4c Carmine-Rose
- 1922 6c Orange-Yellow
- Continued Use
- Earliest and Latest Dates of Cancellations
- Fiscal Usage
- Late Philatelic Use (1936)
- Perfins
- Requisition Letters
- Requisition No. 70/16 1916
- Requisition No. 77/17 1917
- Specimens
- Stamp Booklets
- Use of unoverprinted adhesives
- Varieties
- Wei Hai Wei
Adhesives KGVI | - General
- $1 $2 $5 $10 Plate Flaws
- $1 Duty Plate Flaws
- $10 Duty Plate Flaws
- $2 Duty Plate Flaws
- $5 Duty Plate Flaws
- 10c Requisition M
- 1938 $1 Dull Lilac and Blue
- 1938 $1 Dull Lilac and Blue Plate Flaw Variety
- 1938-41 $1, $5 and $10
- 1941 Centenary
- 1941 Centenary Essays
- 1946 Victory
- 1946 Victory Shade Variations
- 1949 UPU
- 1949 UPU 80c Variety
- 4c Consignment B
- 4c Requisition B
- 8c Consignment B
- Artists Sketches: KEVII & KGVI
- Consignment C - The Three Missing Printings
- Definitives Issued on 28.9.45
- Die Proofs
- Fiscal Overprints
- Invalidations 1961
- Late Usage
- Perforation Pinning Point Dots
- Post War Colour Changes and New Values
- Pre-War Dollar Values Used Post-War
- Printings
- Requisition Letter Blocks
- Review
- Sheet Serial Numbers
- Stock 'Carried Across'
- Tilted Stamps on Printing Plate
- Varieties
- War Time Issues
Adhesives QEII (Commemoratives) | |
Adhesives QEII (Definitives) | - 1954 25c Scarlet
- 1954 50c Purple Forgery
- 1954 5c Impeforate
- 1954-62 First Issue
- 1954-62 Sheet Serial Numbers
- 1954-62 Stock 'Carried Across'
- 1962-73 Annigoni - General
- 1968 $1 Coat of Arms
- 1968 Bauhinia / Arms of Hong Kong
- 1982 Issue Colour Shifts
- 1982 New Issue
- 1992-1997 Series Withdrawal
- 1997 Neutral Issue
- Annigoni 10c Inverted Watermark
- Coil Stamps
- Forgeries - Machin
- Frama Labels
- Machins
- Machins - 1975 10c Imperforate
- Machins - 1981 New Issues
- New Issues
- Presentation Packs
- Printing Problems
- Proofs
- Requisition Letters 24-Jun-1959
- Stamp Booklets
- Use of Aerogramme Imprint Stamp
- Varieties
- Varieties - 1982 Issue
Adhesives HKSAR (Commemoratives) | |
Adhesives HKSAR (Definitives) | - 1997 and 1999 Series
- 1999 Definitive Stamps New Values
- 2002 Definitive Stamps
- 2006 Birds
Airmail and Routes | - General
- 1929 Service via Karachi
- 1939-40 Hong Kong - Bangkok Service
- 1941 $5 Air Mail Rate
- 1941 Air Mail Rate to Europe
- Air France , Air Orient
- Airmail Services in 1950
- Airmail Services in 1951
- Akyab - Penang - Hong Kong 1936
- Athens - Hong Kong
- Austrian Acceptance of Hong Kong - Penang Feeder Service
- Bandoeng - Amsterdam Service
- BOAC Feeder Service to Bangkok
- Branch Office Cancels
- Brisbane - London
- Buenos Aires - Hong Kong
- Buenos Aires 1937
- Buenos Aires-Auckland-Hong Kong
- Canadian FAM14
- Canton Sorting Office in Hong Kong
- Canton-Hong Kong-Pakhoi
- Cathay Pacific Airways First Flight 24.04.1959
- CNAC Feeder Service to Rangoon July 1940
- Copenhagen to Hong Kong 1950
- England-Singapore-Hong Kong
- Eurasia Aviation Corporation
- Experimental Dispatch to USA 1938
- FAM 18 USA - UK
- Far East Aviation Co. (1929)
- First Flights
- Frankfurt - Hong Kong - Tokyo 1971
- Hanoi - Marseilles Air Mail Service
- Hanoi / Hong Kong Air France 1938
- Hong Kong to Saigon
- Hong Kong - French Equatorial Africa 1941
- Hong Kong - Manilla - San Francisco
- Hong Kong - Singapore - UK
- Hong Kong Clipper 37
- Hong Kong Feeder Service Minor Incidents 1936-1940
- Hong Kong Mail by the Horseshoe Route 1940-41
- Hong Kong to Canton
- Hong Kong to GB by BOAC 1940
- Hong Kong to Johannesburg
- Hong Kong to Malaya via Manila
- Hong Kong to US Army Post Office (1959)
- Hong Kong- Laurenco Marques-Reunion
- Hong Kong-Penang
- Hong Kong-Penang-Alexandria-Cape Town
- Hong Kong-San Francisco-New York-Europe
- Hong Kong-USA/Canada PAA 1947
- Imperial Airways
- Imperial Airways Delphinus 1937
- Imperial Airways Survey Flights 1935-36
- Imperial Airways to Australia via Singapore
- Imperial Airways to Europe via Singapore
- Kenya - Hong Kong - Shanghai
- L.O.F. ( London Orient Flight ) 1928
- La Zelle Experimental Flight 1938
- Late Use of KLM Service
- London - Singapore
- Mexico - Hong Kong
- Norway - Hong Kong
- PAA FAM 14 1937
- Pan American Trans-Pacific Services
- Paris to Hong Kong by Air
- Philippines - Hong Kong - Madrid 1936 Arnaiz - Calvo
- Postcard Rates 1932-40
- Postcards Sent By Airmail 1932-40
- Prague - Hong Kong
- RAF Philippines - Hong Kong 1928
- Rates Post-War
- Round the World Flight
- Round The World Flight(?) 1932
- Routes and Rates 1939-41
- Routes and Rates 1965
- Saigon-Marseilles Air Orient from 1932
- San Francisco - Hong Kong
- Saudi Arabia - Hong Kong
- Shanghai - Canton
- Shanghai-Hong Kong Round the World Flight
- Shanghai-Manchouli
- Singapore - Hong Kong
- Spirit of Canton 1928
- Spirit of Fun 1932
- Sweden - Hong Kong 1941
- The Empire All Up Scheme
- The Two Ocean Route 1940
- Tientsin (Japanese-Occupied), Cover From
- to Hong Kong
- Trans-Siberain
- USA by Sea then US Internal Air Mail Service
- USA via London Pre WWII
- Via Karachi from 1929
- Vienna - Hong Kong
- Wuchow-HK , Webb Flight No. 69
- Zurich - Hong Kong
Airmail Markings | - Air Mail
- Air Mail Bilingual
- Air Mail, Boxed Rectangular
- Air Throughout
- Air Transit AV2 FS OAT & SR Handstamps
- Air Transit AV2 OAT & SR Handstamps
- Air Transit Markings
- Airmail Throughout
- Airmail via Hong Kong
- Bandoeng-Amsterdam Air Mail Service
- By Air Mail / India - Chungking - U.S.A.
- By Air Throughout
- By Air to
- By Air To ....... Only
- By Air to Calcutta
- By Air to Hong Kong
- By Air to Leyte
- By Air to London Only
- By Air to Office of Exchange Only
- By Air to Singapore Only
- By Air to Sydney Only
- By Air to U.S. Only
- By Air Upto San Francisco Only
- By Air Via Calcutta or Hong Kong
- By Airmail Obliterator
- By Surface Route
- Cancellations 1932
- Damage Due To Misadventure / To Conveying Aircraft
- Damaged By Water Through Accident to Flying Boat
- Direct Airmail Service
- From Hong Kong by U.S. Air Service
- Imperial Airways Handstamp
- Instructional Markings
- Insufficently Prepaid for Airmail Transmission
- Insufficiently Prepaid for Transmission by Air
- Irregularly Posted For Air Mail
- Jusqu'a Airmail Markings
- Kowloon CDS
- Macua Markings
- Par Avion (Hong Kong) Via Airmail
- Par Avion / Via Hong Kong
- Par Avion de Hong Kong
- Par Avion de Hong Kong A Marseille
- Par Avion/de Hong Kong à . . . . . .Seulement
- Per R.M.A. Dorado
- Survey of Jusqu'a Markings Used in 1945-50
- To Europe by KLM
- To Hong Kong by Eurasia
- Via Air Mail
- Via Hong Kong and by IAL
- Via Hong Kong by U.S. Air Service
- Via Rangoon per C.N.A.C.
- Via Siberia Airmail Shanghai-Manchouli
- WWII and Censorship
Airmail Miscellaneous | - 1911 London-Windsor Coronation Flight
- 1936 Queen Mary Liner Maiden Voyage Cover
- 1937 Cover to Sweden
- 1967 R.C.A.F. Flight
- Airmail Curiosities
- Concorde
- Consular Mail - Chile
- Coronation Aerial Post 1911
- Dorado Fire Incident 1938
- Dorado HB 78 Incident Bangkok 1938
- Empire Exhibition Johannesburg 1936
- Kai Tak Mail Mechanisation
- Labels and Etiquettes
- Literature - Hong Kong Airmails 1924-41 - Additions and Corrections
- London-Canada-Hong Kong-Egypt Cover
- Mail Bag Labels
- Mail from China with Hong Kong Adhesives
- Maryland Free State 1930
- RAF Goodwill Flight 1936
- RAF UK - Hong Kong 1971
- Rates and Offices of Exchange
Arrival and Transit Markings | - General
- Batavia
- Brisbane Queensland
- Buenos Aires
- Calcutta
- Canada
- Canton Chinese P.O.
- Cape Town
- Ceylon
- Colombo Ceylon
- Dublin
- Gold Coast
- Haiphong
- Haiphong / Tonkin
- Hanoi
- Hong Kong Cancels on Chinese Adhesives
- Hong Kong on French Indo-China Postcard
- Hong Kong on Straits Settlements
- Ipoh (Malaya)
- Italian Marking on QV Adhesive
- Italy
- Larnaca, Cyprus
- Lima Peru
- London GB
- Lourenco Marques
- Macasser / Makasser, Indonesia
- Macau 1893
- Madagascar
- Manila Phillipine Islands
- Marseille
- Mejillones Chile
- Melbourne Marking of Circular Grid of Thin Bars
- Moulmein, Burma
- Oahu
- On Stamps Other Than Hong Kong
- Penang
- Rabaul Papua New Guinea
- Rangoon Burma
- Russian Shanghai Post Office
- Saigon - Cochinchine
- San Francisco USA
- Singapore
- St Helena
- St. Pierre, Martinique
- Tandjongpriok (Java)
- Tonkin Indo-China
- Treaty Ports
- Trieste, Austro-Hungarian Empire
- Victoria Docks
Branch Offices - Kowloon | - General
- 1907 Cancellators
- 1949 - 1962 Cancellation Types
- 1964 Cancellations In Use
- 1965 Cancellations In Use
- 1966 Cancellations In Use
- Air Mail
- Cancelling Procedures 1898-1909
- Central Registered
- Early Arrangements
- Kowloon Meter Dies
- Kowloon Parcel CDS 1976
- Machine Cancellations
- Official Paid
- Pillar Box Mail
- Post Office Location
- Postage Paid
- R-Kowloon
- Red Airmail Cancel
- Registered Mail
- Registration
- Renamed Tsim Sha Tsui
- Returned Letter Office Kowloon CDS
- Standard Type Pii
- Standard Type R
- Standard Type T
- Type A (K.B.)
- Type B (K.B.)
- Type C (Kowloon Branch)
- Type D
- Type D2 (Proud)
- Type D3 (Proud)
- Type Ei
- Type Eii
- Type G
- Type H
- Type I
- Type J
- Type K (Repaired Hong Hong)
- Type L - longer Kowloon
- Type M Sub-Type
- Type Pi
- Type Pii
- Type R
- Type S
- Type W
- Type X
- Type Y
- Type Z
- Types A, B (K.B.)
- Types I, J, K, L, M, N & O
- Unknown in Kowloon
- World Health Organisation Conference 1957 (Temporary) Kowloon/Hong(4)Kong
Branch Offices - Western Branch | - General
- 1898 to 1914
- 1907 Cancellators
- Registration Handstamp
- Type A - Hong Kong W.B.
- Type B - Hong Kong W.B.
- Type C - W.Branch
- Type D - Unrecorded Index D
- Type D - Western Br.
- Type E - Western Br. short side bars
- Type F - Western Br. long side bars
- Type G - Sheung-Wan hyphen short side bars
- Type H - Sheung Wan long side bars
- Type J - Sheung.Wan with stop
- Type R - SheungWan Hong(n)Kong
- Western Branch Cancels on Chinese Stamps
Branch Offices | - General
- 1907 Cancellators
- 1908 - 1934 Early Cancellations
- 1949 - 1962 Cancellation Types
- 1963 Cancellations In Use
- 1964 Cancellations In Use
- 1965 Cancellations In Use
- 1965 Parcel Post Markings and Labels
- 1966 Cancellations In Use
- 1967 Cancellations In Use
- 1972 Cessation of Sub-Office Cancellations
- 1973 List
- 1975 List With Locations
- 1987 List with Opening/Closing Dates
- 1997 Branch Post Offices Codes
- Aberdeen
- Ap Lei Chau
- Au Tau
- Beaconsfield House
- British Week Exhibition (Temporary)
- Cancels on Airmail Covers
- Cancels on Incoming Mail
- Canton Road
- Causeway Bay
- Chai Wan
- Changsha Street
- Cheung Chau
- Cheung Sha Wan
- Chi Foo Fa-Yeun
- Choi Hung Chuen
- Convention P.O. (Temporary)
- Des Voeux
- ERDs / LRDs
- Events 1988-1993
- Exhibition P.O. (Temporary)
- Fairview Park
- Fanling
- FESPIC P.O. (Temporary)
- Festival Stamp Exhibition P.O. (Temporary)
- Fu Shan
- Gillies Avenue
- Granville Road
- Ham Tin Street
- Hammer Hill
- Happy Valley
- Hennessey Road
- Ho Man Tin
- Hong Kong University
- International Conference (1971) (Temporary)
- Jamboree P.O. (Temporary)
- Kai Tak
- Kam Tin
- Kennedy Town
- King's Road
- Kowloon Bay
- Kowloon Central
- Kowloon City
- Kowloon Tong
- Kwa Shing
- Kwai Chung
- Kwai Fong
- Kwun Tong
- Lai King
- Lam Tin
- Lei Cheng Uk
- Lei Muk Shue
- Lei Tung
- Lok Fu / Lo Fu Ngam
- Ma Tau Wai / Ma Tau Wei
- Machine Cancellations
- Man Yee Arcade
- Mei Foo Sun Cheun
- Mei Lam
- Mong Kok
- Morrison Hill Road
- Mui Wo
- Nam Cheong Street
- New Branches
- Ngau Chi Wan
- Ngau Tau Kok
- North Point
- Oi Man
- Parcel Post
- Peak
- Peng Chau
- Perkins Road
- Ping Shan
- Pok Fu Lam
- Queen's Road
- Registration Labels
- Rennie's Mill
- Repulse Bay
- Sai Kung
- Sai Wan Ho
- Sai Ying Pun
- San Po Kong
- San Tin
- Sau Mau Oing
- Secretariat
- Sha Kok
- Sha Tau Kok
- Sha Tin
- Sham Shui Po
- Shau Kei Wan / Shaukiwan
- Shek Kip Mei
- Shek Li
- Shek Wai Kok
- Sheung Shui / Shek Wu Hui
- Sheung Wan
- Shun Lee
- So Uk
- Stamp Centenary Exhibition (Temporary)
- Standard Type R
- Standard Type Sii
- Standard Type Siii Special Rubber CDS
- Standard Types A, B, C, Di, Dii, E, F, G
- Standard Types Descriptions & Illustrations
- Standard Types H, J, K, Pi, Pii, Piii, Piv, Pv, Q
- Standard Types R, S, T, U
- Standard Types V, W, X, Y, Z
- Stanley
- Tai Hing
- Tai Hung
- Tai Kok Tsui
- Tai Nan Street
- Tai O
- Tai Po
- Taikoo Shing
- Temporary Post Offices 1971/72
- Ting
- Tsat Tsz Mui
- Tsim Sha Tsui
- Tsing Yi Island
- Tsing Yu
- Tsuen Wan
- Tsz Wan Shan
- Tuen Mun San Hui
- Type W Cancellations in Use 1987
- Un Long / Yuen Long
- University P.O. (Temporary)
- Wah Fu
- Wan Chai / Wantsai
- Wo Che Street
- Wong Chuk Hang
- Wong Tai Sin
- World Mental Health Meeting (Temporary)
- Wyndham Street
- Yau Ma Ti / Yaumati
- Yau Tong
- Yau Yat Tseun
- Yuen Long see Un Long/Yuen Long
British Forces Mail | |
Censorship & Censor Markings | - General
- 138 Censor No. & HQ Force 'C'
- Boxed Numerals
- Censor Marks Used as Cancellations
- Censor Resealing Strips
- Censored Onboard H.M. Ships Marking
- Civilian
- Covers from HMS Gnat & Durban
- During the 1925-26 Strike
- From HM Ship / Passed By Censor
- Military
- Naval Provost Marshall Handstamp 1939
- Not Opened by Censor
- Opened By Censor / Hong Kong
- P.B.C. (Passed By Censor)
- Passed By Censor
- Passed Censor
- Passed For Transmission
- Passed/Hong Kong/Censor
- Royal Navy
- Shanghai Defence Force
- TR Chop on Registered Mail
- Wax Seals
- WWII - SR TR LR SB Handstamps
China and Chinese Imperial Post | - Cancellations on Hong Kong Stamps
- Canton Chinese P.O. Arrival Markings
- Canton Sorting Office in Hong Kong
- Cash Covers
- Clubbed Mails
- Customs Amoy
- Customs Chinese
- Customs Kowloon
- Customs Pakhoi
- Customs Tientsin
- Dollar Chop
- Early Mail to Europe
- From Steamers Letter Box
- Hong Kong Cancels on Chinese Adhesives
- I.P.O. Tieprints
- Kumsingmoon / Kum Sing Moon
- Literature - The Postal Markings of China by Peter Padget
- Pa Kua
- Pa Kua - Canton
- Pakhoi British Consulate
- Post IPO Period China Covers
- Shanghai Paquebot
- Shanghai Postman Beat Chop
- Steamer Box Canton (Punyu)
- Steamer Box Shanghai
- Steamer Box Swatow
- The Canton River
- Use of Hong Kong Adhesives
Combination Covers | - General
- Foreign Stamps on Hong Kong Covers
- IPO Combination Covers
- Kienningfu - Foochow 1902
- Korea
- Pakhoi 1897
- Peking and Shanghai Customs 1879
- Shanghai - Russian Post Office 1903
- Tibet to China 1911
- Wei Hai Wei - Chefoo
- Wei Hai Wei/Chefoo/Hong Kong to Germany 1899
Damaged Mail | No Sub-Topics |
Definitions and Descriptions | - Consignee Covers
- Dates in Chinese Characters
- Descriptive Titles/Terminology
- Forwarding Agents
- Gum ( Adhesives )
- Gutter Pairs
- Hong Kong Maritime Mail
- Hong Kong Postal History
- I.P.O. Markings
- Inter-Panneau Description
- Killers
- Local Post
- Pa Kua Markings
- Plate Flaws
- Postal Stationery
- Security Markings
- Slogans
- Stamp Booklets
- Standard Types of Cancellations
- Treaty Ports
Fiscal Stamps | - General
- $3 Missing King's Head
- 10c Violet
- BoE / Contract Note
- KGVI $200 Fiscals
- KGVI 10c Purple Receipt Stamp
- Postal Uses
- QEII with Inversion
- QV $5 on $10
- QV 2c Greenish Grey
- QV 3 Cent Inverted Watermark
Forgeries and Fakes | - General
- 1891 $1 on 96c Purple/Red
- 1891 Surcharges Cancellations
- 1898 10c on 30c
- 1938 5c Revenues With Forged Victoria/Hong Kong Cancels
- 5 Overprint on QV 10c Green
- 96c B62
- A Fantasy Cover
- China Overprint
- Chu Chin Chow Overprints
- Delayed By Enemy Action
- Detection
- Hiogo D30
- Hoihow CDS and Samah Markings
- Japanese Occupation Commemorative Cancellation
- KEVII $3
- KEVII 1903 $3
- Paid All / Postage
- Pannelli QV 18c B62
- Postage Paid
- QEII 1954 50c Purple
- QEII Definitives - Machin
- QV $1 on 10c
- QV 1876 28c on 30c
- QV 1891 Jubilee
- QV 1891 Provisional Forgeries
- QV SO Overprint
- Sai Kung (S.K.) Registration Handstamp
- Sperati 96c Olive-Bistre
- Tientsin
- Victoria 1938
- Victoria Hong Kong Cancel Dated 26 Dec 1941
- Water Police Sai Kung Oval Chop
Forwarding Agents | - General
- Brown & Co. Amoy
- Bush & Co
- Douglas, Lapraik & Co.
- H.Fogg & Co. Shanghai
- Hong Kong International Advertising Agency
- Jardine Matheson / Foochow
- Kerr & Co
- Lemuel Goddard, London
- List
- Maitland & Co. Shanghai
- Rawle Drinker & Co, Hong Kong
- Russell & Sturgis / Manila
- T. Staub Co
- Thos. Hunt & Co
- Wetmore & Co / Canton
- Wetmore Cryder & Co
- Wieler & Co
Hong Kong Miscellaneous | - General
- 140th Anniversary of Hong Kong Stamps Exhibition
- 140th Anniversary of Hong Kong Stamps Souvenir Cover
- 1972 Kotewall Road Landslide
- 8th Exhibition of Chinese Products Adhesive
- Armorial Bearings of Hong Kong
- Bombing Raid Hong Kong
- Camps & Barracks in Hong Kong
- Canton Sorting Office
- Chinese Lunar Calendar and Chinese New Year
- Custom Duty Fiscal Marking
- Early 1960's Food Parcels to China
- First Train From Hung Hom Handstamp
- Historical
- Historical Dates 1838 - 1845
- Hong Kong Currency
- Hong Kong Festival Stamp Exhibition 1971
- Hong Kong Ship Mail
- Hong Kong Stamps Used Abroad
- Hong Kong Tramways
- Hong Kong Volunteer Company Cover
- Incoming Mail With Aust Army CDS on GB Stamps
- Lantau Island and Cistercian Monastery
- Post Office Names
- Postal History
- Postal Strike Via Hong Kong
- Private Ships
- Shipping in the Port of Hong Kong July 1850
- Stamp Centenary Exhibition London 1940
- Star Ferry , Mail Posted On
- Tigers on the Peak
- Train Office No 1 Kowloon-Canton Handstamp
- Trying to Cheat the Post Office
- Unadopted QEII Essay
- UPU Hong Kong Presentation Folder 1947
- Volapuk Language
- W.E. Jones / E.I. Wynne-Jones
Hong Kong Study Circle | - 2010 Meeting Group Photo
- An Important Message From the Chairman (Mick Goldsmith 2012)
- Draft Chapters of Webb Volume II
- History of (Part 1)
- History of (Part 2)
- History of (Part 3)
- History of (Part 4)
- History of (Part 5)
- History of (Part 6)
- History of (Part 7)
- Jubilee Meeting Displays
- Online Meetings
- The Inaugural Meeting 5th Dec 1951
- The King is Dead : Long Live the King
- Then & Now , a Personal Reflection
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 1962
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 1963
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 1964
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 1965
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 1966
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 1986
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 1988
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 1989
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 1990
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 1991
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 1992
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 1993
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 1994
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 1995
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 1996
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 1997
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 1998
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 1999
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 2000
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 2001
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 2002
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 2003
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 2004
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 2005
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 2006
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 2007
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 2008
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 2009
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 2010
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 2011
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 2012
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 2013
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 2014
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 2015
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 2016
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 2017
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 2018
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 2019
- Wilde and Webb Cup Entries 2020
- Wilde and Webb Cups
Instructional & Explanatory Markings | |
Japanese Occupation of Hong Kong | - General
- Adhesives
- Branch Offices
- British Taxed Marking
- Commemorative Cancel 1942
- Da Luz Covers
- Detained Mail
- Exchange Ships and POW Mail
- Foreign Mails Released From Hong Kong After War Began ?
- Foreign Rates
- Great East Asia Set
- Instructional Markings
- Japanese 1½ sen Green
- Mail Dates
- Paquebot Marking
- Post War Destruction of Japanese Stamps
- Postal Rates
- Postal Stationery - Envelope
- Stamped Postcards
- Withheld in Hong Kong Post Office During the War Handstamp
Late Fee | No Sub-Topics |
Literature | - General
- 20th Century Hong Kong U.P.U. Letter Rates, Lee C.Scamp
- A Brief History on Hong Kong Postal Cancellations (Vols. 3&4), China Philatelic Association and Hong Kong Post
- A Study of Hong Kong Definitives : King Edward VII and King George V, Halewood and Antscherl
- British Maritime Postal History Vol. 1, Kirk
- British Post Offices in the Far East, Proud
- Cancellations of Hong Kong 1841-1941 - Update, Schoenfeld
- Cancellations of the Treaty Ports of Hong Kong 1850-1930, H. Schoenfeld
- China Philately
- Contemporary Hong Kong Post Office Cancellations - 1989
- Contemporary Hong Kong Post Office Cancellations 1983
- Crown Colony of Wei Hai Wei (Goldsmith/Goodwyn)
- Descriptive Catalogue of the Postage Stamps and Cards issued by the Hong Kong Post Office, Mencarini (Reprint)
- Detained in Hong Kong and the Ones That Got Away (Sam Chiu) The China Clipper 62(5) July 1998
- Far East Mail Ship Schedules: British, Indian, French, American and Japanese Mail Ship Schedules, 1840-1880, Scamp
- French Mail Paquebot Far East Itineraries 1862-1880 by Lee C. Scamp
- Hong Kong - Japanese Occupation and Mr. H.da Luz, M.W. Tsang
- Hong Kong 1939-1997, Forces Postal History Society Newsletter
- Hong Kong 1941-1945, The Effect of the Second World War on the Supply of Postal Stamps and other Postal Materials, Rod Vousden
- Hong Kong : The 1898 10c on 30c Provisional Issue, Alfred Chu
- Hong Kong : The High Denomination Stamps of the Queen Victoria Period and Fiscal Stamps Used for Postage, Gurevitch
- Hong Kong Airmails - Col. F.W.Webb
- Hong Kong Airmails 1924-41 - Additions and Corrections
- Hong Kong and the Treay Ports, White
- Hong Kong Arrival Markings, Scamp
- Hong Kong Arrival Markings, Scamp & Harmon
- Hong Kong Fiscal Seals & Adhesives, Orsetti
- Hong Kong Fiscal Stamps, Huygens
- Hong Kong Forgeries, M.W. Tsang
- Hong Kong Franked Covers of the Queen Victoria Period, Air Commodore Richard Gurevitch
- Hong Kong Philatelic Society Journals
- Hong Kong Postage Stamps of the Queen Victoria Period - A Collector's Notebook, Gurevitch
- Hong Kong Postcards, M.W.Tsang
- Hong Kong Queen Victoria Postal Adhesives, Air Commodore Richard Gurevitch
- Hong Kong Registration Labels ; 2nd Edition, Ming W. Tsang
- Hong Kong Security Markings, M.W. Tsang
- Hong Kong Slogan Cancels, China Philatelic Association & Hong Kong Post Office Philatelic Bureau
- Hong Kong Treaty Ports,M.W.Tsang
- Intercontinental Airmails Volume One : Transatlantic and Trans Pacific, E.B. Proud
- Maritime Postal History - Vol. 2 - The P&O Lines to the Far East by Reg Kirk
- Philatelic History of Hong Kong Vol.1 Adhesives
- Postage Due and the Handling of Underpaid Mail of Hong Kong, S.Chiu and K.Tsui
- Postage Rates of China 1867-1980,Sieh and Blackburn
- Postage Stamps &Postal History Catalogue of Hong Kong, Yang
- Postal History of Hong Kong Vol.1 1841-1958
- Postal History of the P&O Service to the Peninsula, R.Kirk
- Postal History of the POW and Civilian Internees in East Asia During the Second World War, David Tett
- Postal History Society of China Journals
- Postal Markings of China
- Postal Rate History of China and Hong Kong, Lee C.Scamp
- Registration Labels, M.W. Tsang
- Shanghai Postal System, Dugan
- Stanley Gibbons Catalogues
- Study of the Hong Kong Adhesives of King George VI, Halewood and Antscherl
- The 1891 Jubilee Overprint of Hong Kong, Shiu Hon Chan
- The Postage Stamps of Hong Kong, E.Thorndike and Peter Shek
- Webb Book Correction / Update
Marine Sorters | - General
- Cessation of
- Instructions to Sorters
- Penang to Singapore
- Shanghai
- Singapore to Hong Kong
Maritime Mail | No Sub-Topics |
Metered Mail | No Sub-Topics |
Missent | No Sub-Topics |
Naval and Military Mail | - General
- (HMS) Barfleur Handstamp
- 19th Century Postal Rates
- Admiralty Fouled Anchor Marking
- Admiralty Mail
- B.F.M. 9
- British Fleet Mail
- C.E.F. - China Expeditionary Force
- Fleet Mail Office / HMS Tamar
- Mediterranean Mail Officer Cancels on British Naval Mail 1859-70
- Shanghai Defence Force
- The Boxer Rebellion - Base Office Cancellations
Official Mail | - Government House Hong Kong Oval Stamp
- Military Mail
- New Handstamp (1969)
- Official Paid
- Official Paid Kowloon
- Official Paid Sham Shui Po
- Official Paid Type C in Red (WWI)
- OHMS British Post Office Shanghai
- OHMS Recorded Delivery
- On Postal Service
- On Postal Service - Bulletin de Verification
- Post Office Markings
- QV Postcard Overprinted O.H.M.S.
- Registration
- Security Liaison Office Hong Kong
- War Taxation Dept
Other Countries | - Australia - POW Mail from Hong Kong
- Australian P.O. 243
- Austrian Acceptance of Hong Kong - Penang Feeder Service
- Austrian Connection
- Austrian Consulate
- Austrian Ship Markings
- Canada - Earliest Mail from Hong Kong
- Canada - FAM 14 Air Mail rates 1936-1941
- Canada - Force C
- Canada - Forces in Hong Kong
- Canada, Bulk Mailing to
- Dutch Ship Markings
- French - Corps Exp. Du Tonkin LN No 5
- French - Poss. Ang. V. Suez/Marseille
- French Mailboat Services
- French Messageries Imperiales Line
- French Offices in the Anglo-French Expeditionary Force
- French Packet, Unfranked Mail 1893
- French Shanghai PO 5104
- French Ship Markings
- German Consulates in China
- German Military Maritime
- German PoW WWI
- German Sea Post
- German Ship Markings
- German Webb Type J Deutsche Seepost Sydney Hong Kong
- Great Britain 2½d & Hong Kong 10c on Cover
- Great Britain D27 to D30 in Upright Ovals
- Greek Currency Control Marking
- Indian Forces Mail
- Indian FPO 127
- Indian Intaglio Marking
- Indian Missent in Mail
- Indian Ship Letter Fee Marking
- Indian Uniform Ship Letter Postage
- Italian Lloyd Triestino / Conte Rosso / Conte Verde
- Italian Mail Boats and Ships
- Japan - Maritime Mail
- Japan - Shanghai IJPO Cancellation
- Russian - Siberia
- Russian Couriers, Mail Sent by
- Russian Shanghai P.O.
- Russian Ship Marks
- Russian Trans-Siberian Railway
- Sweden - Route via Baltic Sea
- USA Maritime Mail
- USA Military
- USA Navy
- USA Pacific Mail Steamship Company
- USA Philippines Postal Stations
- USA Ship Markings
Paquebot | - General
- Honolulu Packet Boat
- Kiirun (Formosa)
- Penang
- Saigon
- San Francisco
- Shanghai
- Singapore
- Straight Line Unframed
- Type D
- Type iii
- Type ix
Parcel Post | - General
- 1965 Parcel Post Markings and Labels
- 1966 Cancellations In Use
- Branch Offices
- Cancels on Postage Due Adhesives
- Despatch Note
- ERDs / LRDs
- Kowloon Parcel CDS 1976
- Local Parcel Post
- New Type like Standard Type V(ii)
- Parcel Card
- Parcel Post Cancellation - New Discovery
- Parcel Post Label
- Postal Rates 1930
- Sheungwan Rectangular
- The Large P.P. Cancellations
- Trans Siberian Railway
- Type P1 - F.&L.P.P.
- Type P2 - Hong-Kong P.P 33mm
- Type P3 - Hong-Kong P.P 31mm
- Type P4 - Hong-Kong P.P (No Inner Circle)
- Type P5 - Hong Kong Parcels (Numbers at Side)
- Type P6 - Parcel Post Rectangle 75x35 mm
- Type P7 - Parcel Post Rectangle 60x30 mm
- Type P8 - Kowloon Parcel Post Rectangle 80x35 mm
- Type P9 - Parcel Post Rectangle 75x35 mm Numeral in Corner
- Type PP14 (Proud)
- Type PP17 (Proud)
- Type PP18 (Proud)
- Type PP19 (Proud)
- Type PP3 (Proud)
- Type PP40 (Proud)
- Type PP44 (Proud)
- Type PP5 (Proud)
- Type PP6 (Proud)
- Type PP7 (Proud)
- Type PP8 (Proud)
Post Office | - General
- Air Mail Centre (A.M.C.)
- Airlifted Surface Post ( ASP )
- Automated Mailing System
- Early History
- Express Mail Service
- First Day Cover Cancellations
- First Day Cover Hand Back Service
- GPO Wax Seals
- International Mail Centre (I.M.C.)
- Mechanized Letter Sorting
- Mobile Post Office
- Notices
- Permit Mailing System
- Philatelic Sales Centre
- Pillar Box - Date Manuscript on Adhesives
- Pillar Boxes
- Postage Labels, New Design 2009
- Postal Facilities and Services in 1950
- Postal Facilities and Services in 1951
- Postal Facilties at the Peak (to 1915)
- Postal Future
- Postal Orders
- Postman's Delivery Round Beat Chops
- Rapid Box Delivery Service
- Recorded Delivery
- Regulations 1844
- Speedpost
- Typhoon Emergency
- Undelivered Correspondence
- Vending Machines
Postage Due | - General
- Adhesives
- Adhesives With Parcel Post Cancels
- Machine Marking
- Markings
- on Business Reply Service Envelopes
- T 290/230
- T Markings
- Underpaid Envelope Labels, Bilingual
Postage Paid | - GPO Label
- Hong Kong Handstamp
- Hong Kong / 1945 / Postage Paid Straight Line
- KSO Postage Paid Franking
- Machine Marking
- Permit Mail
- Postage Paid 1945 Octagonal
- Postage Paid by Bush & Co
- Typhoon Emergency
Postal Fiscals | - 10c Violet
- 12c on $10 on Cover
- 1938 5c Stamp Duty
- QV $1 on $2 Blueish Green
- QV $10 Grey-Green 1884
- QV $10 Rose-Carmine
- QV $5 on $10
- QV 1890 2c Dull Purple
- QV 2c
- QV 2c Greenish Grey
- QV 2c S.O. Overprint
- Unauthorised Use
Postal History | |
Postal Markings - 62B | No Sub-Topics |
Postal Markings - B62 | - General
- Dates of Usage, Earliest and Latest
- In Blue on QV 12c Wmk.CC
- Large Types
- On French Colonies Issue
- On Straits Settlements 3c Revenue
Postal Markings - H62 & 2H62 | No Sub-Topics |
Postal Markings - Hong Kong Cancels | |
Postal Markings - Pre-Adhesive | - Dates of Usage, Earliest and Latest
- Paid at Hong Kong - Extra Small - Unrecorded
- Type 1 - Military Post Office China
- Type 10 - Rectangular Framed Paid
- Type 11 - Small Crowned Circle
- Type 12 - Small Hong Kong Datestamp
- Type 13 - First Normal Hong Kong CDS
- Type 13a - First Normal Hong Kong CDS
- Type 14 - Hong Kong Paid Circular Handstamp
- Type 14a - Hong Kong Paid Circular Handstamp
- Type 3 - Post Office Hong Kong
- Type 3 - Post Office Hong Kong - Use in 1846
- Type 4 - The Royal Arms
- Type 5 - Victoria Hong Kong with Crown
- Type 6 - Paid at Hong Kong Large Crowned
- Type 7 - Hong Kong Large Datestamp
- Type 8 - Paid at Hong Kong Medium Crowned
- Type 8 - Paid at Hong Kong Medium Crowned - Paid Deleted
- Type 9 - Hong Kong Medium Datestamp
- Type 9 - Hong Kong Medium Datestamp with Serifs ?
- Type 9a - Hong Kong Medium Datestamp
Postal Rates | - General
- $1.20 1947 Air Rate
- 15 Cent Surface - Rate Change - 1936
- 15c Non-UPU Postcard Rate
- 1846
- 1852 Unrecorded 1/- Ship Letter Rate
- 1861
- 1867
- 1867 48c to Switzerland
- 1873 Rates
- 1876/77 18c Rate
- 1877 Rates
- 1878 to London
- 1891
- 1891 7c Letter / 10c Registration Fee
- 1901 to 1941
- 1907 Rates
- 1907 Registered to Germany
- 1911 - 1941 Postal Rates
- 1930's Postcard Rates to China
- 1932/33 Christmas Concessionary Rate
- 1941 $5 Air Mail Rate
- 1945 - 1997 Local Mail
- 1945 - 1997 Surface Mail
- 1950
- 19th Century Naval & Military Rates
- 1c Rate
- 2c Local Rate 1876-1931
- 2c Rate Book, Newspaper, Printed Matter
- 30c 1941 Foreign Rate
- 34c Rate
- 3d Newspaper Rate
- 4 Pence and 1/- Rate Marks of 1856
- 4d Ship Letter Fee
- 7 cent Rate to UK 1894
- 8d. Naval Officer's Rate
- Airmail
- Airmail and Offices of Exchange
- Airmail Hong Kong to Germany 1936
- Airmail Post-War
- Airmail Postcards 1932-40
- Airmail to Europe 1940
- Canadian FAM 14 Air Mail Rates 1936-1941
- Local Mail
- Military Officer's Concession Rate on Mail to Far East 1860's
- Modern
- Mulitple Weight Letter Rates
- Officer's Privilege Rate 1859-70
- Parcel Post 1930
- Post WWII
- Post WWII On Active Service
- Postcards
- Printed Matter - Xmas Cards
- Printed Matter 15c 1954
- QV Era
- Surface Mail
- To British Comonwealth
- To France 1870
- To GB
- To GB 1891- 1894
- To Italy
- To USA 1920's 1930's
- Trans-Pacific Airmail 1940
- Treaty Ports 1917
- USA to Hong Kong 1858
- Wartime Airmail
Postal Stationery - Aerogrammes | - General
- 1950
- 1951
- Annigoni
- B & P
- Bird Air Letter / Aerogramme
- Christmas 1966
- Christmas 1967
- Christmas 1968
- Christmas 1969
- Christmas 1970
- Christmas 1971
- Christmas 1972
- Christmas 1973
- Christmas 1974
- Christmas 1975
- Christmas 1975 - 1980
- Christmas 1976
- Christmas 1977
- Christmas 1978
- Christmas 1981
- Christmas 1982
- Dragon Issue 1977
- Flying Goose
- Flying Horse Air Letter / Aerogramme
- Hing Shing Printing
- Hotel Miramar
- Huna-Hina Printing Co.
- Kam Teuk
- Machin
- Machin Aerogramme
- New UPU format 1969
- Pegasus Winged Horse Trademark
- Pictorial Aerogrammes
- Progressive Printing
- Sheck Wah Tong Aerogramme
- The Star Air Letter Form
- Wing Heng
- Yue Shing Air Letter
Postal Stationery | - General
- Advice of Parcel Awaiting Collection
- Air Letter QEII Returned to Sender
- Air Letters
- Certificate of Posting
- China Overprint
- Christmas Greeting Cards
- Costs in 1950
- Customs Declaration
- Dates
- Earliest Dates
- GPO Use Air Mail Labels
- KEVII Newspaper Wrappers
- KEVII Postage Envelopes
- KEVII Postcards
- KEVII Registered Envelopes
- KGV Envelopes
- KGV Newspaper Wrapper
- KGV Postcards
- KGV Registered Envelopes
- KGVI Postcard P50
- KGVI Registered Envelope Indicium Obliterated
- Letter Card
- Officially Sealed Labels
- Parcel Card
- Postage Paid Permit Mail
- Postcard Rates Surface Mail
- Postcard Wrapper
- Printed Receipt Form
- QEII Registered Envelopes
- QV Envelopes
- QV 4c Grey Postcard
- QV 4c on 3c Postcard
- QV Newspaper Wrapper
- QV One Cent Double Surcharge on 3c
- QV One Cent Missing T Overprint
- QV One Cent on 3 Cents
- QV Postcard Overprinted O.H.M.S.
- QV Postcard P7
- QV Postcards
- QV Postcards Earliest Usages
- QV Provisional Postcards
- QV Registered Envelopes
- Receipt for Registered Letter
- Recorded Delivery Receipt
- Registered Envelope Stamp Cutout
- Registered Envelopes
- Reply Coupons ( Imperial / Commonwealth / International )
- Returned Letter Office Envelopes
- Speedpost
PoW Mail | - General
- After Liberation
- Australia from Hong Kong
- Exchange Ships & PoW Mail
- Japanese Censorship Markings
- Mail Routes
- Propaganda Marking
- Red Cross Markings
- Undelivered PoW Mail
- Unidentified Marking
RAF Post | - General
- 1936 Goodwill Flight
- 1945-46 Mail
- 1972 Museum Cover
- 1978 Kai Tak - Sek Kong
- Escaping Society Cover
- Kai Tak
- RAF Post 130 CDS
- RAF Post Office
Registered Mail | - General
- 1945 Service
- A.M.C.
- AR Advice of Receipt
- By Registered Post Marking
- Cancellations
- Cancellations - Earliest/Latest Dates of Usage
- Certificate of Posting
- Double-Ring Numbered Registered Handstamps
- Handstamps
- Hong Kong 9 CDS
- Insurance 1899-1941
- Insured Labels
- Kowloon
- Labels & Etiquettes
- Metered Mail
- Official Mail
- R in Circle
- R in Oval Cover
- R/Hong Kong GPO-No in Red
- Receipts for Registered Letters
- Red Ink Airmail Cancellations
- Registered Handstamp
- Registered Hong Kong CDS
- Registration Fee
- Registration Label Tsang Type HKB
- Registration Label Tsang Type HKD
- Registration Label Tsang Type HKJJ Sub-type
- Registration Label Tsang Type HKP2a
- Registration Label with unlisted index F
- Registration Label ZD Suffix
- Registration Numbers Treaty Ports
- S.K. Registration Handstamp (Sai Kung)
- Standard Type D
- Type R in Black
- Type R123 (Proud)
- Type Rii Oval Registered Hong Kong
- Type Riii
- Type Riv
- Type Rvii
- Type Rviii
- Type Rxi
- Type Rxii
- Type Rxiii
- Type Rxiv
- Type Rxix
- Type Rxv
- Type Rxvi
- Type Rxvii
- Type Rxviii
- Type Rxx
- Type Rxxi
- Type W
- Unclaimed 1906
- Unidentified Marking KEVII
Salvaged Mail | - Air Mail Crash Covers General
- Aurora Delhi 1938
- Boadicea Crash and Hong Kong Mail, 1936
- Cachet
- Centurion Crash 1939 and Hong Kong Mail
- Colombo
- Coorong Flying Boat, Darwin 1938
- Crash 1939 Australia
- Crash Cover Tokyo 1966
- Cygnus Crash 1937
- DC2 Kievit Crash Cover 1937
- Dorado Accident at Udorn 1940
- Horsa Forced Landing 1936
- Imperial Airways
- Koranga Australia 1938
- P&O Alma 1859
- POAS Crash Hong Kong 1951
- SS Colombo 1862
Security Markings | - General
- A.R. Marty
- A.S. Watson & Co. Ltd.
- Adamson Bell & Co.
- Alex. Ross & Co.
- Arndt & Co.
- Arnemann & Co.
- Arnhold, Karberg & Co.
- Arratoon V. Apear & Co.
- Artacho & Co
- Augustine Heard & Co.
- Banks
- Berblinger & Co
- Bower Hanbury & Co
- Bradley & Co Ltd
- British and Foreign Bible Society
- Carlowitz & Co. Ltd.
- China and Japan Telephone and Electricity Co.
- Cornabe & Co
- Cornabe & Co.
- Cruz Basto & Co
- D. Moncrieff Wright
- Daily Press (DP)
- Dakin, Cruickshank & Co. Limited
- Dartly & Co.
- Date Manuscript on Adhesives
- David Sassoon & Co.
- Definition
- Dodwell & Co. Ltd.
- Dodwell, Carlill & Co.
- Douglas Lapraik & Co
- Earliest Known
- East Asiatic Trading Company
- Eduard Schellhass & Co.
- Erich Georg & Co
- F. Blackhead & Co.
- F.De Jesus (Bangkok)
- Fuhrmeister Klose & Co
- Gas and Oil Firms
- Guaranty Trust
- H & S / B C
- H. Skott & Co
- Handstamps
- Harling,Bbuschmann & Menzell
- Harry Wicking
- Hong Kong & Whampoa Dock Company Limited
- Hong Kong Electric Company
- Hong Kong Observatory
- Hotels
- Insurance Firms
- Jebson & Co
- Lane Crawford & Co
- Lelly & Walsh Ltd
- Lists Published with Newsletters
- Moller & Meisner (Bangkok)
- Mutual Stores
- Newspapers
- Nippon Yusen Kaisha
- Olyphant & Co.
- Perfins
- Perfins on China Overprint
- Pharmacie de l'Union
- Private Chop, Seal or Signet
- R.W.G. Herbert
- Radecker & Co
- Reuter, Brockelman & Co
- Robinson Piano Co. Ltd.
- Sander & Co.
- Sander, Wieler & Co.
- Schonfeld & Co.
- Stamped' on QV Adhesives
- The Borneo Co Ltd
- The Medical Hall
- The Victoria Dispensary
- Treaty Ports
- Union Trading Co.
- Vaucher & Co
- Weismann Ltd
- Wieler & Co.
- Windsor Redlich & Co (Bangkok)
Ship Markings | - General
- Austrian
- BM in Oval, Boite Mobile (Mobile Box)
- C79 Barred Cancel
- Dutch
- French
- German
- Italian
- Japanese
- Mailboat Lost 1898
- P&O Calcutta Line
- P&O Calcutta to Hong Kong , Prelude to
- P&O Mailboat Markings
- P&O Packet Cancellations
- Ship Letter Victoria Hong Kong
- Webb Type G
Slogan Cancels | - General
- 1959 - 1964
- 1960 - 1962
- 1961/1962
- 1969-1972
- 1970/1971
- 1971/72/73
- 1972
- 1973/1974
- 1974/1975
- 1996
- Are You Supporting the British War Organisation Fund
- Boxed Chinese Slogan - To Prevent the Spread of T.B. is to Help Our Fellow Citizens
- British War Organisation Fund
- British Week
- Buy Bombers
- Buy Tombola Spills
- Buy War Bonds
- Chinese University Inaugration
- Correct Addressing
- Exhibition Hong Kong Products
- Hong Kong Looking Ahead ( 2003 )
- Interantional Tourist Year (1967)
- Nineteenth Exhibition
- Remember the British War Organisation Fund
- Student Health Scheme (in Chinese) 1972
- Support the Community Chest 1970
- Technical Training Week
- V Victory Handstamp
- Your Heart Is Your Health (1972)
Stamp Booklets | No Sub-Topics |
Trans-Pacific Mail | No Sub-Topics |
Trans-Siberian Mail | No Sub-Topics |
Treaty Ports - Amoy | - General
- 1847 Overland Courier Service
- A1
- Cancellations
- Customs
- D27
- D27 Cover From Taiwan (1878)
- Earliest Known Cover To Amoy 1845
- Earliest Letter From Amoy Treaty Port
- Earliest Recorded Letter From British Postal Agency?
- HBM Post Office
- Registered Cover
- Registered Oval
- Registration Markings
- Type A - Amoy Paid
- Type D - Amoy round rim
- Type Dii without index letter
- Type E - Amoy straight line
- Type F - Amoy oval O and round O
- Type G - Amoy round O wide Y index A
- Type H - Amoy round O wide Y
- Type Hii - index B
- Type I - Amoy oval O long Y
- Type Ii - index A
- Type Iii - index C
- Type J - large Amoy CDS
- Type Jiii - index E
- Type Jiii Index E Registered Cover
- Type K - British Post Office Amoy
- Type Ki - index -B-, -F-
- U.S. Registration Label
- Unidentified Marking
Treaty Ports - Anping | |
Treaty Ports - Bangkok | - General
- Bongkok
- British Consulate
- British P.O.
- Dumb/Checkboard Cancel
- Four Bar Cancel
- Royal Arms Marking
- Type A
- U.S. Consulate
Treaty Ports - Canton | - General
- 1852 Letter to New York
- Arrival CDS Red
- Black Blobs on Adhesives
- C1
- Canton Chinese P.O. Arrival Markings
- Canton Paid Handstamp
- CDS with Year MR
- Dollar Chop
- Mail Into During the Second Opium War 1857-1861
- Postage Due
- Postal Arrangements After the Arrow Incident
- Pre-Adhesive
- Type 1 - Canton Paid broken double-lined
- Type 1A - China in red
- Type 2 - Canton broken double-lined
- Type B - Canton straight line
- Type C - Canton index star
- Type D - Canton CDS
- Type Di - index A
- Type Diii reversed B index
- Type Div - index A
- Type Dv - index B single figure year
- Type E - Canton large CDS
- Type Eii - index B
- Type Eiii - index B reversed
- Type F - Canton British P.O.
- Types B & C on Same Cover
Treaty Ports - Chefoo | - General
- Large R in Circle
- QV Postal Stationery Card 1903
- Registered Cover
- Registration Markings
- Type A - Chefoo British P.O.
- Type A sub-types
- Type B - Chefoo CDS
- Type C - British Post Office Chefoo
Treaty Ports - Foochow | - General
- 1857 Letter to USA
- Cancelled
- F1
- F1 - Earliest on Cover
- First Recorded Letter?
- Foochow Customs
- IPO on KEVII Adhesive
- Missent To Foochow
- Postal Service c1881
- Pre-Adhesive Markings
- Registration Markings
- Too Late
- Type B - Foochowfoo CDS
- Type C - small Foochow oval O
- Type D - small Foochow round O
- Type E - Foochow CDS index A round O
- Type F - Foochow CDS index C round O
- Type G - Foochow B.P.O.
- Type G on Cover
- Type H - large Foochow oval O
- Type I - large Foochow oval O
- Type J - British Post Office Foochow
- Type K Boxed 'Cancelled'
- US Consulate
Treaty Ports - Hankow | - General
- 62B Cover from Hankow
- Chinese Post Office Markings
- D29
- Hankow Covers
- Paquebot
- Postcard to Norway 1899
- QV Newspaper Wrapper
- Registered Cover
- Registration Markings
- S1 Cancel
- Type B - Hankow CDS wide O
- Type C - Hankow CDS square O
- Type Cii - index star
- Type D - Hankow CDS local
- Type E - Hankow flat C oval O
- Type F - Hankow flat C oval O
- Type I - Hankow oval O
- Type J - Hankow round O
- Type Ji - index A
- Type Jii - index C
- Type K - Hankow round O
- Type L - Hankow large CDS
- Type L with index D
- Type Li - index Li
- Type M - British Post Office Hankow
Treaty Ports - Hoihow | - General
- CDS Varieties
- Index Letter C Varieties
- Insured Label
- Missent to Hoihow Marking
- Registered Envelope with China Overprint Adhesives
- Registration Handstamp
- Samah Land Post Hainan Island
- Type D - Hoihow small CDS
- Type D on S.O. Overprint on QV 10c Purple/Red
- Type E - Hoihow oval O
- Type G - Hoihow round O
- Type H - Hoihow large CDS
- Type Hi - oval O
- Types F, G - Hoihow round O
- Types Fi - index C
Treaty Ports - Japan | - British PO
- Foreign PO
- Ship Markings
Treaty Ports - Kiungchow | - General
- British Consulate Marking
- Chinese Post Office Markings
- D28
- D28 with S1
- Registration Markings
- Type B - Kiungchow CDS
- Type C - Kiungchow oval registered
- Type Cii - Kiungchow oval
Treaty Ports - Kobe / Hiogo | - General
- D30
- Hiogo & Nagasaki
- Type F
Treaty Ports - Macao | - General
- 4 Pence Handstamp
- Boat Office Macao
- British Government Agency Office Macao
- M1 Killer?
- Macao Cancellations
- Macau Arrival Markings 1892-1916
- P Paid Type 7
- Prohibited in Script Marking
- Type 6
Treaty Ports - Manila & Philippines | - General
- Letters From Manila
- Manuscript Numeral Markings
- Missent to Manila
- P&O Earliest Known Cover 1847
- P&O Service 1858-1860
- Type (ii)
- Type (iii)
Treaty Ports - Nagasaki | - General
- Arrival Marking ?
- Hiogo & Nagasaki
- N2
Treaty Ports - Ningpo | - General
- Letter From Ningpo 1853
- N1
- N1 with S1
- Pre-Adhesive
- Registered Envelope 1903
- Registration Markings
- Type B - Ningpo straight line
- Type C - Ningpo with dots
- Type D - Ningpo CDS 21mm
- Type E - Ningpo CDS 22mm
- Type Ei - index C
- Type F - Ningpo large CDS
Treaty Ports - Shanghai | - General
- 12CentsTax Handstamp
- BPO Closing Date CDS
- BPO In Memoriam
- BPO to CPO Marking
- Dead Letter Office Shanghai
- Directional Markings
- Duplicate Notice Marking
- Earliest Cancel
- Earliest Letter From Shanghai
- Early Mail
- Establishment of Postal Agency
- Found in Mails for Shanghai
- Found Open and Officially Sealed Label
- Free On Post Office Business Marking
- French PO 5104
- GB Adhesives Used in Shanghai 1860-1864
- History of Shanghai's Foreign P.O.'s
- Index A CDS
- Index Letter C Inverted
- Local Post
- Local Post Type A
- Money Order Office
- On Post Office Business
- Post IPO Period China Covers
- Post Office Paid
- Postmaster British Post Office Shanghai Marking
- Postmaster Shanghai B.P.O. Handstamp
- Received in Such Condition GPO Shanghai Marking
- Registration Handstamp
- Registration Oval in Red
- Russian P.O.
- S1
- S1 0n 1885 20c on 30c
- S1 on QV Revenues
- S1 Survey
- S1 with N1
- Seven Pointed Star
- Shanghae Double-Lined Circle
- Sunburst
- To & From Shanghai
- Too Late Markings
- Type 1 - Shanghae Post Office Paid
- Type 2 - Shanghai broken double-lined circle
- Type 3 - Shanghae Post Office Paid
- Type 5 - local Shanghae CDS
- Type 6 - Shanghae Paid
- Type A - Shanghae CDS 20mm index C
- Type Bi - Shanghae CDS 19.5 mm index A
- Type Bii - Shanghae CDS 20mm index A
- Type C - Shanghae CDS 19.5 mm
- Type D - Shanghae CDS 20.5 mm
- Type E - Shanghae CDS 21mm
- Type Ei - index A
- Type Eii - index C
- Type F without index
- Type Fii - Shanghai CDS 19mm narrow G
- Type Fiii - Shanghai CDS 20.5 mm
- Type Gii - Shanghai CDS 22mm
- Type Hii - Shanghai CDS 22mm index c
- Type J - Shanghai B.P.O. 25mm
- Type L - Shanghai Br.P.O.
- Type M - Shanghai B.P.O. Money Order
- United States P.O.
Treaty Ports - Straits Settlements/Singapore | - General
- Directional Markings
- Hong Kong Stamps Used Abroad
- Singapore Dumb/Checkerboard Cancel
- Singapore Maltese Cross CDS
- Singapore Paquebot
- Singapore Type 9 CDS
- Singapore Type B CDS
- U.S. Consulate
Treaty Ports - Swatow | - General
- Boxed Registration
- Cancellations
- Circular Datestamps CDS
- Dollar Chop
- I.P.O. Tieprints
- Registration Handstamps
- S2
- Swatow Paid Datestamp
- Type B - Swatow straight line
- Type C - Swatow small CDS
- Type D - Swatow straight line date above
- Type E - Swatow star
- Type F - Swatow CDS 22.5 mm
- Type Fii - index B
- Type Fiii - index A ERD
- Type G - Swatow CDS 22.5 mm
- Type Giii - index A
- Type H - Swatow CDS 25mm
- Type Hi - index A
- Type I - British Post Office Swatow
- Type I Late Usage
Treaty Ports - Tientsin | - General
- Barker Tientsin Correspondence
- British PO
- British PO Unusual CDS
- Cancellations
- Customs
- Customs CDS
- Forgery
- Military P.O. 1927-1941
- On Post Office Business
- Postal History
- Registration Markings
- Transit Cancel ?
- Type 2 IPO Ever Used ?
- Type A - Tientsin Br.P.O. double circle
- Type A Inward
- Type B - Tientsin Br.P.O. single circle
- Type B ERD
- Type B LRD
- Type D1 (Proud)
Treaty Ports - Wei Hai Wei (Liu Kung Tau) | - General
- Cancellations
- Closure of Offices
- First Issue Cover
- Fiscals
- Local Post
- Port Edward Registration
- Registered
- Registered Mail
- Registration Handstamp
- Security Marking - Small Star
- Type A - Liu Kung Tau Post Office oval
- Type B - Liu Kung Tau CDS 22mm
- Type C - Liu Kung Tau large CDS
- Type D - Liu Kung Tau CDS 26mm
- Type E - Liu Kung Tau CDS 24mm
- Type F - Port Edward rectangular
- Type G - Port Edward Wei Hai Wei larger
- Type H - Port Edward Wei Hai Wei smaller
- Type I (New)
- Type J (New)
- T…..ctms Boxed Marking
- Unrecorded CDS
Treaty Ports - Yokohama | - General
- Anglo-French Postal Collaboration
- Closure of British Agencies in Japan
- Early Correspondence to Japan via B.P.O.
- Registered Letter With Unusual Routing, 1871
- Registered Oval Datestamp
- Registration Marking
- Type A - Yokohama CDS
- Y1
Treaty Ports | - General
- 1891 Jubilee Used in Treaty Ports
- 1907 Cancellators
- 1916 10 Cent Rate
- 1917 China Overprint Mixed Use Franking
- 1917 Use of Un-Overprinted Stamps
- 4d Interport Rate
- Blue-Green Obliterators/Killers
- British Consulate Tainan, Taiwan
- British Postal Agencies
- Cancels on Covers
- Censored in Manuscript
- China 2c Wrapper
- China Overprint Postcards
- Closure of British Agencies in China
- Closure of British Agencies in Japan
- Commercial Correspondence 1864 - 1870
- D27 to D30 in Upright Ovals (British)
- Directional Markings
- Earliest-Latest Dates
- Foreign Residents in 1906
- German Consulates in China
- Hainan-Samah Land Post
- Hong Kong & the Treaty Ports
- I.G. Mail Matter Handstamp
- Index Letters in Cancels
- Killer Cancellations
- Kongmoon
- Labuan
- Large CDS
- Mail Making up at the B.P.O. Agencies in China
- Mail to China & Japan 1889
- Mailboat - Foochow - Shanghai Cancel
- Mailboat Shanghai - Foochow Cancel
- Postal Changes in 1916-17
- Postal Rates 1917
- QV 1882 10c Blue-Green
- QV 1896 4c Slate-Grey
- Red Treaty Port Oval Registered Datestamps
- Registration Handstamp
- Registration Numbers
- Security Markings
- Single Figure Year Handstamps
- Tamsui / Tamsuy
- Use of Coloured Ink
- Value of Stamps Used at Treaty Ports in 1905
Unidentified Markings | No Sub-Topics |
Wartime Mail | - Airmail Cover from Japanese-Occupied Tientsin
- During Japanese Occupation
- Force C
- Foreign Mails Released from Hong Kong after the War Began ?
- Last Mails Before Occupation
- WWI - By Quickest Route Inscription
- WWI - Censor Markings
- WWI - General
- WWI - German Censored
- WWI - H.K.S.B.R.G.A.
- WWI - Mail Routes
- WWI - Part of a Mail / Captured by the / Germans and Delayed Marking
- WWI - PoW Mail
- WWII - Air Mail Rates
- WWII - Air Mail Routes
- WWII - Airmail Cover Just Prior to Japanese Occupation
- WWII - Censor Markings
- WWII - Evacuee Mail 1940
- WWII - Hong Kong - Bangkok Service
- WWII - Mail
- WWII - Mail Detained in France
- WWII - Mail Detained in Hong Kong
- WWII - Mail to Hong Kong
- WWII - Non-Acceptance of Registered Mail
- WWII - Post War
- WWII - Routes
- WWII - SR TR LR SB Handstamps